Faster Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage
Jun 07, 2022 By Susan Kelly

One of the most anticipated events in the life of many homeowners is when their mortgages are paid in full. They may not know it, but paying a little more each month might bring the day much sooner.

Using an Amortization Schedule

A sample amortization plan is the simplest way to understand how mortgages operate and why even small additional payments may go a long way. It lists all the planned mortgage payments, starting with the first one and finishing with the last one.

Every monthly payment is divided into two components in an amortization schedule: an interest payment and a payment toward the principal. Early in the amortization schedule, interest takes up the lion's share of the payment, and the principle is barely touched. Your monthly mortgage payment gradually reduces, but your principal payment steadily grows as you make payments.

What Are The Advantages Of Being Free Of A Mortgage?

Being free of a mortgage has several advantages, not the least being increased discretionary money and no longer having to pay interest. Savings, self-indulgence, and emergency funds will become much more readily available after your mortgage is paid off. For additional peace of mind, you'll be able to rest easy knowing that your house is yours, and you may do with it what you choose. That's not the end of it, though.

The expense of a mortgage is exorbitant. You might save tens of thousands of pounds in interest if you pay it off early. It is also likely that your lower present rate of savings interest is more than offset by the savings from not having to pay as much in interest in the future. According to several financial experts, paying down a mortgage may be a better long-term investment strategy than conserving money.

Strategies For A Quick Exit From A Mortgage

Increase and Automate Payments

What you are about to undertake is vital. You can do a million things to tinker with your mortgage, but unless you devote a significant portion of your monthly salary to it, you'll achieve absolutely nothing.

If you want to reduce the time it takes to pay off your mortgage, the most effective strategy is to put as much money as possible into the principal. Forget about the $200 bonus or anything, and I'm talking about a regular, automated contribution to your mortgage based on the amount of money you earn.

Keep Going

Motivating yourself may seem like an unimportant consideration, but it is crucial. It takes five years to pay off a mortgage, and you still need to maintain your motivation since, without it, something else will entice your money away. Make a list of why you want to pay off your mortgage faster and post it somewhere where you'll see it every day. As though you were looking in the mirror.

Reduce Expenses And Improve Performance

The sooner you pay off your mortgage, the more money you'll save. It's that easy. Aside from making your life easier, it may also make you happy. The less stuff you realize you need, the better off you and the environment will be. Being more efficient is also considerably better for the environment.

Never Withdraw Mortgage Money

True emergencies are the only ones that warrant deviating from this general guideline. When I say "emergency fund," I'm not talking about anything like a broken water heater that costs $1,000. True emergencies, in my opinion, are situations like having to pay $20,000 in medical bills for a family member or having half your house burn down. It is a step backward, but it is also a step that may quickly become a slippery slope if you take money out of your mortgage for anything else.

Offset Your Financial Gains

You may minimize the amount of interest you pay on your loan by choosing an offset mortgage and using your savings to "offset." Mortgage and savings accounts must be held by the same lender for this type of loan to work. It works like this.

For example, let's say you owe $100,000 on a mortgage, and you have $50,000 saved up. Only the difference, £50,000, is subject to interest in this example. You may utilize the money you save on interest to get your mortgage paid off faster. It's nice to know that you may access your money if needed.

Rent a room

Having a lodger isn't for everyone, but it may provide an additional source of income that makes overcharging more palatable. Renting a furnished room to a lodger and earning up to £7,500 a year tax-free is possible under the government's Rent a Room program. This is enough money to cover the annual mortgage payment.

If you choose not to have someone live with you on a full-time basis, you may use Airbnb to rent out unused rooms in your house to tourists. Even though you'll have to spend extra time maintaining the listing and making sure the room is ready for new guests, renting out your space this way may be financially rewarding. To participate in the Rent a Room program, you must own a bed & breakfast or guesthouse.